Erano su afNews EXTRA: Jean Mardikian, Lee Mendelson e Gerry Alanguilan passed away, Nuova edizione per l’indispensabile Eccetto Topolino, Ragnarok su Netflix, Superman, Supergirl, Star Wars Ben Solo e Easter Eggs, Disney Marco Rota cover collection, Bao 10, Lefranc 2020, Alix, Raffaelli Peyo e Puffi, Lettering, Animazione delle origini, Boule e Bill delle origini gratis, Bonelli Zagor, Moomin, Premio Fnac France Inter, Diana principessa delle Amazzoni, Star Trek Picard, Batman, Funko Pop, The Jetsons, Song of the South, Walt Disney story, Tombini Pokemon, Gianluca Costantini, Vittorio Giardino, Tom Sawyer, Tintin Girasole, Asta Garfield, Ub Iwerks, Fumettista: problemi della Professione
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Qui di seguito un breve estratto di notizie, tra le tante pubblicate…
C'est avec tristesse que nous apprenons le décès de Jean Mardikian, l'un des fondateurs du festival d'Angoulême. Nous adressons toutes ses condoléances à sa famille.
— (@ActuaBD) December 28, 2019
Attenzione! In arrivo la seconda edizione! – Eccetto Topolino. Lo scontro culturale tra il fascismo e il fumetto – Fabio Gadducci, Leonardo Gori, Sergio Lama – click qui per il libro
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 27, 2019
Lee Mendelson, Prolific Producer of ‘Peanuts’ and ‘Garfield’ TV Specials, Dies at 86 di @variety
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 28, 2019
A Realistic New Superhero Show Is Coming to Netflix In January di @@io9
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 28, 2019
Premium Sideshow Figure Celebrates Superman's Iconic Costume Change
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 28, 2019
Star Wars: [SPOILER] is Dead, But He Could Return – Here's How
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 28, 2019
Tutti gli easter egg di Star Wars: l’ascesa di Skywalker di @wireditalia
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 27, 2019
Recensione – Disney Special Events 13 – Zio Paperone Marco Rota Cover Collection – Papersera
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 28, 2019
10 anni di Bao, ovvero breve guida su come farsi pubblicare un fumetto di @RollingStoneIt
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo)
December 28, 2019
Lefranc septembre 2020 , "La rançon" de Régric et Roger Seiter. L'intrigue se déroule entre #Strasbourg , #New-York et l'Afrique du Sud.On y retrouvera Jeanjean et l'ignoble Arnold Fisher…
— Blake&mortimer (@mortimer_blake) December 27, 2019
— Newsarama (@Newsarama) December 27, 2019
ALIX dieu sans nom »les aventures d'Alix, de David B et Albertini. Ce sera le dernier album réalisé par ce duo. @CastermanBD novembre 2020
— Blake&mortimer (@mortimer_blake) December 27, 2019
Raffaelli: Peyo e Puffi
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 27, 2019
Today in Comics History: Walt Disney was on the cover of TIME magazine on the December 27, 1937, issue. (He was promoting "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," his studio's first feature-length animated movie, which opened nationally in February 1938.)
— Tom Heintjes (@Hoganmag) December 27, 2019
A letterer plays a major role in the reading experience of every comic, but they often go unnoticed. Read about their many contributions and how they can be better served by their collaborators.
— The Beat (@comicsbeat) December 26, 2019
The Surprise and Wonder of Early Animation
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo)
December 26, 2019
Da leggere gratis – Solo fino al 31 dicembre! Approfittane. – Boule et Bill vivaient une première aventure née de l’imagination Roba et Maurice Rosy dans le mini-récit ”Boule contre les mini-requins” paru dans le numéro 1132 du journal.
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo)
December 26, 2019
segnala: Zagor Lo Spirito con la Scure
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo)
December 26, 2019
Funko Celebrates the Year of the Mouse with Limited Edition Mickey Pop!
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 25, 2019
News Bytes: New ‘Zog’ Special, ‘Moominvalley’ S2 Guest Stars, ‘Subway Surfers’ Decade’s Most-Downloaded Game –
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo)
December 25, 2019
Bande dessinée : Prix BD Fnac France Inter 2020, les six dessins inédits des finalistes via @franceinter
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo)
December 25, 2019
Diana Princess of the Amazons: Shannon Hale, Dean Hale, Victoria Ying: click qui per il libro
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 24, 2019
New Star Trek: Picard Teaser Features Seven of Nine di @ComicBook
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 24, 2019
The Dark Knight Returns Gets a New Figure from MAFEX
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 24, 2019
"Umbrella Academy" Vanya Has a Funko Pop Chase! [Review]
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 24, 2019
Mark Hamill Gets a Special Funko Exclusive to Designer Con [Review]
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 24, 2019
This is the most popular cartoon car of all time #FoxNews
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 24, 2019
The Jim Crow Disney Film That Just Won’t Die, “Song of the South” di @snopes
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 24, 2019
The story of the Hungarian immigrant who funded Walt Disney
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo)
December 24, 2019
Giappone: è caccia ai tombini dei Pokémon di @wireditalia
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 24, 2019
Al servizio della storia e della verità: intervista a Gianluca Costantini di @wpvkp
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 24, 2019
Intervista a Vittorio Giardino – La sua visione del mondo Disney
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 23, 2019
Le avventure di Tom Sawyer di Mark Twain – Claudio Nizzi, N. Quinto – click qui per il libro
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 23, 2019
Le professeur Tournesol
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 22, 2019
It’s a Small World is one of Disneyland’s most iconic attractions, but most don’t know it was originally built for the 1964 World’s Fair. See how this fan-favorite came to be in this short clip from Episode 1 of #TheImagineeringStory
— Iwerks & Co. (@iwerksandco) December 21, 2019
Asta: Garfield Cartoonist Jim Davis Is Putting 30 Years of Strips Up for Auction di @@io9
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 22, 2019
Disney Giunti – Le più belle storie portafortuna – click qui per il libro
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 21, 2019
Walt Disney's Ultimate Inventor: The Genius of Ub Iwerks: Don Iwerks, Leonard Maltin: click qui per il libro
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 21, 2019
Supergirl Returns to Kotobukiya with New Bishoujo Statue di @bleedingcool
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 21, 2019
Gerry Alanguilan Dies at Age 51
— Newsarama (@Newsarama) December 20, 2019
Star Trek Picard – Teaser 3 di @YouTube
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 20, 2019
Batman Gets Three New Statues from Diamond Select Toys di @bleedingcool
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 20, 2019
Le succès de la bande dessinée ne profite pas aux auteurs, qui s’appauvrissent di @lemondefr
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 20, 2019
Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana – Wikipedia
— afnews info (@afnewsinfo) December 23, 2019
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Per cui, grazie per la pazienza!
Se poi per caso, in virtù dell’incombente spirito natalizio, ti sentissi proprio in obbligo di incoraggiare la mia attività su questo blog e mostrarmi la tua riconoscenza in qualche modo, la mia lista dei desideri su Amazon è sempre attiva: :-) Senza alcun obbligo, va da sé, e, comunque, nel caso, mille grazie in anticipo: un pensiero gentile ogni tanto aiuta ad andare avanti!
L'articolo Erano su afNews EXTRA: Jean Mardikian, Lee Mendelson e Gerry Alanguilan passed away, Nuova edizione per l’indispensabile Eccetto Topolino, Ragnarok su Netflix, Superman, Supergirl, Star Wars Ben Solo e Easter Eggs, Disney Marco Rota cover collection, Bao 10, Lefranc 2020, Alix, Raffaelli Peyo e Puffi, Lettering, Animazione delle origini, Boule e Bill delle origini gratis, Bonelli Zagor, Moomin, Premio Fnac France Inter, Diana principessa delle Amazzoni, Star Trek Picard, Batman, Funko Pop, The Jetsons, Song of the South, Walt Disney story, Tombini Pokemon, Gianluca Costantini, Vittorio Giardino, Tom Sawyer, Tintin Girasole, Asta Garfield, Ub Iwerks, Fumettista: problemi della Professione proviene da
from WordPress
December 29, 2019 at 08:02AM ifttt