L'esperto belga Pascal Lefèvre sta cercando di risolvere alcuni piccoli enigmi fumettistici e rivolge un appello tramite il suo blog. Le domande sono di quelle che sarebbero molto stimolanti per un ricercatore come Alfredo Castelli, ma chiunque se la senta si può cimentare. Fate click sull'immagine qui accanto per scoprire di quali fumetti si tratta e dare il vostro contributo... se siete in grado.
"A majority of the comics that were published in Belgium before the birth of Tintin in 1929 came from abroad: often the names of the characters are changed and no references to the artists name or the original publication can be found. Therefore I call out to other specialists if they might recognize some of the following characters I found in the Flemish children magazine De Kindervriend early 20th century (unfortunately not dated). The two characters called in the Dutch text 'Job & Bob' I've already recognized, they are the English Weary Willie and Tired Tim by Tom Brown, but does somebody know ..." Full article: click here.
"A majority of the comics that were published in Belgium before the birth of Tintin in 1929 came from abroad: often the names of the characters are changed and no references to the artists name or the original publication can be found. Therefore I call out to other specialists if they might recognize some of the following characters I found in the Flemish children magazine De Kindervriend early 20th century (unfortunately not dated). The two characters called in the Dutch text 'Job & Bob' I've already recognized, they are the English Weary Willie and Tired Tim by Tom Brown, but does somebody know ..." Full article: click here.